Make yourself a priority and transform and heal your life to receive the
​miracles of love, harmony, joy, and inner peace.
Make yourself a priority and transform and heal your life to receive the
​miracles of love, harmony, joy, and inner peace.
Acquire a toolbox of
ancient and modern techniques that will eliminate and remove the limitations, resistance, and obstacles that cause you to suffer.

These tools are quick, easy to use, and can create immediate results

Heart feeling yukky and heavy? Learn how to blast out that heaviness and open the heart.

Driving yourself and others crazy with your monkey mind? Learn a tool to stop the thoughts in their tracks.

Are you taking on the suffering around you? Learn how to actively move and clear it out of your system.

Emotionally over involved with someone’s problems?  Learn a tool to create an emotional boundary and become impersonal to their drama. (While holding a space of love)

Tired and run down with physical setbacks?  Learn to disintegrate the energy that has turned into problems in your physical body.

​You HAVE the power to heal yourself!


Acquire a huge toolbox of
ancient and modern techniques that will eliminate and remove
the limitations, resistance,
and obstacles that cause
​you to suffer.

These tools are quick, easy to use, and can create immediate results

Heart feeling yukky and heavy? Learn how to blast out that heaviness and open the heart.

Driving yourself and others crazy with your monkey mind? Learn a tool to stop the thoughts in their tracks.

Are you taking on the suffering around you?  Learn how to actively move and clear it out of your system.

Emotionally over involved with someone’s problems?  Learn a tool to create an emotional boundary and become impersonal to their drama. (While holding a space of love)

Tired and run down with physical setbacks?  Learn to disintegrate the energy that has turned into problems in your physical body.

You HAVE the power to heal yourself! 

Are you ready to learn the TRUTH about what REALLY works to heal and transform your life so you can give yourself the best chance of living as the happiest version of you?  
You will learn HOW to heal and remove the obstacles 
quickly & anytime, anywhere

Obstacles such as
  • Old grudges
  • Judgements
  • Fear
  • A scarcity mindset
  • Anger
  • Trauma from a toxic past
  • Lack of boundaries
  • Self-sabotage
  • Anxiety
  • Physical limitations
  Today $17
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Are you ready to learn the TRUTH about what REALLY works to transform your life so you can give yourself the best chance of living as the happiest version of you?
You will learn HOW to heal and remove the obstacles 
anytime, anywhere
obstacles such as:
  • Old grudges
  • Judgements
  • Fear
  • A scarcity mindset
  • Anger
  • Trauma from a toxic past
  • Lack of boundaries
  • Self-sabotage
  • Anxiety
  • Physical limitations
  Today $17
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In this course, I reveal to you modern and ancient tools that I have learned over my adult
life from teachers, mentors, and gurus.

Some of these clearing and energizing techniques come from an ancient Kriya and Lamplighting lineage
that have been used for over 1000s of years.  

Some of the tools I am sharing with you are based in psychology and mind-body science.

The methods I am sharing with you have transformed my life.

I have healed illnesses, prevented illnesses, transformed my negative thoughts and anger, released fear, healed karmic blockages, deflected negative energy, manifested abundance, and made amends with past traumas.
In this course, I reveal to you modern and ancient tools that I have learned over my adult
life from teachers, mentors, and gurus.

Some of these clearing and energizing techniques come from an ancient Kriya and Lamplighting lineage
that have been used for over 1000s of years.  

Some of the tools I am sharing with you are based in psychology and mind-body science.

The methods I am sharing with you have transformed my life.

I have healed illnesses, prevented illnesses, transformed my negative thoughts and anger, released fear, healed karmic blockages, deflected negative energy, manifested abundance, and made amends with past traumas.

  • Because I KNOW without a doubt that they work
  Today $17

Btw 😉, it doesn't matter if you are new to self work and healing
  • Because I KNOW without a doubt THAT THEY WORK
  Today $17
Btw 😉, it doesn't matter if you are new to self work and healing
  • 1. Do you understand that the only person that can take care of you, is YOU?
  • 2. Do you want to make your well-being a priority and express your full potential and greatest good?
  • 3. Are you committed to using the tools and techniques daily, or at least weekly?
  • 4. Are you open to a dash of woo and understanding that spiritual energy is our true makeup?
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  • 1. Do you understand that the only person that can take care of you, is YOU?
  • 2. Do you want to make your well-being a priority and express your full potential and greatest good?
  • 3. Are you committed to using the tools and techniques daily, or at least weekly?
  • 4. Are you open to a dash of woo and understanding that spiritual energy is our true makeup?
Yes! I Want This...
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This IS the most powerful and important course you will ever come across.
I am going to show you EXACTLY what you have been missing your whole life.

Results will come quickly when you put in the effort.
This IS the most powerful and important course you will ever come across.
I am going to show you EXACTLY what you have been missing your whole life.

Results will come quickly when you put in the effort.
Divided into bite size sections...
Here is a glimpse of what you will receive:
  • You will get a greater understanding of the science of life, and the laws that govern our existence
  • You will learn how to remove the imprints in the physical, mental, emotional, energetic bodies that prevent you from shining your soul's full light
  • Tools to eliminate unwanted physical manifestations, and learn what physical ailments correspond with what energetic blockages
  • Techniques to uplift your spirit and energy anytime of the day
  • Ways to retrain your brain and remove the negative thinking and irrational reactions that keep you stuck
  • Ancient techniques that clear out the fog and obsessive thinking
  • Tools to say goodbye to the monkey mind, negativity, programming, and limiting beliefs
  • Techniques to balance your emotions and fully eliminate unwanted ones like anger and resentment
  • How to stop living in fear
  • A quick tool to blast out the heaviness in the heart
  • How to self-direct compassion with the Compassion Key®
  • Ways to regain trust within yourself, others, and the process life
  • How to cut ties with others
  • How to disintegrate old karmic imprints
  • The Return2 Method to deflect unwanted energy coming from other people
  • Ancient tools that remove dark spots and keep your system clear and eliminate the heaviness that you have picked up during the day
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Divided into bite size sections...
Here is a glimpse of what
​you will receive:
  • You will get a greater understanding of the science of life, and the laws that govern our existence
  • You will learn how to remove the imprints in the physical, mental, emotional, energetic bodies that prevent you from shining your soul's full light
  • Tools to eliminate unwanted physical manifestations, and learn what physical ailments correspond with what energetic blockages
  • Techniques to uplift your spirit and energy anytime of the day
  • Ways to retrain your brain and remove the negative thinking and irrational reactions that keep you stuck
  • Ancient techniques that clear out the fog and obsessive thinking
  • Tools to say goodbye to the monkey mind, negativity, programming, and limiting beliefs
  • Techniques to balance your emotions and fully eliminate unwanted ones like anger and resentment
  • How to stop living in fear
  • A quick tool to blast out the heaviness in the heart
  • How to self-direct compassion with the Compassion Key®
  • Ways to regain trust within yourself, others, and the process of life
  • How to cut ties with others
  • How to disintegrate old karmic imprints
  • The R2 Method to deflect unwanted energy coming from other people
  • Ancient tools that remove dark spots and keep your system clear and eliminate the heaviness that you have picked up during the day
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​If you put these techniques into your daily practice you will:
  • Feel safe and empowered so that you can handle what comes at you in life
  • Feel strong and confident in your daily interactions
  • Feel connected to something bigger than you
  • Learn how to be sovereign over your kingdom
  • Raise your vibration and attract higher level situations and people to you.
  • Gain control over your emotions and anxiety
  • Feel healthy and alive
As a Bonus, you will receive:
  • The Astra Method™ to connect to your Higher Self
  • Do you realize that you would never make a mistake in life if you always surrendered completely to your Highest Self?
  • The Rainbow Coat to shield and protect your energetic space
  • There is always an energy exchange with people, regardless of whether not they are nearby. It is important to put some kind of shield on to deflect unwanted energy from others
If you put these techniques into your daily practice you will:
  • Feel safe and empowered so that you can handle what comes at you in life
  • Feel strong and confident in your daily interactions
  • Feel connected to something bigger than you
  • Learn how to be sovereign over your kingdom
  • Raise your vibration and attract higher level situations and people to you
  • Gain control over your emotions and anxiety
  • Feel healthy and alive
As a Bonus, you will receive:
  • The Astra Method™ to connect to your Higher Self
  • Do you realize that you would never make a mistake in life if you always surrendered completely to your Highest Self?
  • The Rainbow Coat to shield and protect your energetic space
  • There is always an energy exchange with people, regardless of whether not they are nearby. It is important to put some kind of shield on to deflect unwanted energy from others
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The ball is in your court!
When you learn how to take care of YOU💪...everything changes.

You have the power see yourself differently, operate at a higher level of consciousness,
and change the overall results in your life.
The ball is in your court!
When you learn how to take care of YOU💪...everything changes!

                                                                                                                   SO, MOVING FORWARD....
The membership site access will be delivered by email.

The course is divided into 6 main sections with 2 bonus sections.
There is loads of information in each section but broken down into SHORT videos (5 minutes or less) to prevent overwhelm.
Most of the techniques are demonstrated to allow for follow along.
​There are short, easy to read documents in each section as well.

Lifetime access to all of it!!

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         SO, MOVING FORWARD...      
The membership site access will be delivered by email.

The course is divided into 6 main sections with 2 bonus sections.
There is loads of information in each section but broken down into SHORT videos (5 minutes or less) to prevent overwhelm.
Most of the techniques are demonstrated to allow for follow along.
​There are short, easy to read documents in each section as well.

Lifetime access to all of it!!
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Remove2Renew Course
Remove2Renew Course
"Deb-I just love your stuff!  Honestly, I believe our 3+ sessions helped jog me out of ..whatever all was out of wack in me, than more than 30 years of counseling/therapy.  Eternally grateful"  Payson, Idaho
"Debbie made it seem normal to express vulnerability.  I was able to express deeper truths that I had not yet been able to admit, even to myself.  For these truths on the table for both of us to see, we could actually get to the heart of certain obstacles and discuss real and effective solutions.  I used to be a brick wall and Debbie has lovingly helped me dismantle it."  Kat, Colorado

"Debbie is an amazing coach.  She has the ability to create gold in people.  I had been struggling with a serious and debilitating block for three months that I could not overcome.  I feared this block was immovable but Debbie persisted past the point I expected and made sure that I got the result I not only wanted but also needed.  I would highly recommend her to anyone looking for a transformation in their life." James, Florida

"I am so glad that I listened to my intuition which led me directly to Debbie.  She was the answer to my prayers.  In less than 6 months, Debbie has helped me learn about things I have been struggling with for years.  I went from feeling devalued, disregarded, and disrespected to feeling valuable and knowing my worth.  I feel like I have takent the fast track and saved myself from many more years of stumbling around in the dark.  Debbie is the best investment I have ever made and hands down, the best gift I have ever given to myself."  Kim, Florida

"I have been seeing Debbie for a few years now.  She has listened to all of my worries with an open heart.  She quickly picks up on subtle issues I have been struggling with.  She offers answers to these problems.  Debbie helped me reconnect to my light at times when I was hopeless.  I never feel like she judges me.  I am able to open up about things I keep hidden to others.  Debbie is a super strong, intuitive, amazing woman.  I am very happy for all of our times we have had together".  Nicole, Colorado
"Deb-I just love your stuff!  Honestly, I believe our 3+ sessions helped jog me out of ..whatever all was out of wack in me, than more than 30 years of counseling/therapy.  Eternally grateful"  Payson, Idaho

"Debbie made it seem normal to express vulnerability.  I was able to express deeper truths that I had not yet been able to admit, even to myself.  For these truths on the table for both of us to see, we could actually get to the heart of certain obstacles and discuss real and effective solutions.  I used to be a brick wall and Debbie has lovingly helped me dismantle it."  Kat, Colorado

"Debbie is an amazing coach.  She has the ability to create gold in people.  I had been struggling with a serious and debilitating block for three months that I could not overcome.  I feared this block was immovable but Debbie persisted past the point I expected and made sure that I got the result I not only wanted but also needed.  I would highly recommend her to anyone looking for a transformation in their life." James, Florida

"I am so glad that I listened to my intuition which led me directly to Debbie.  She was the answer to my prayers.  In less than 6 months, Debbie has helped me learn about things I have been struggling with for years.  I went from feeling devalued, disregarded, and disrespected to feeling valuable and knowing my worth.  I feel like I have takent the fast track and saved myself from many more years of stumbling around in the dark.  Debbie is the best investment I have ever made and hands down, the best gift I have ever given to myself."  Kim, Florida

"I have been seeing Debbie for a few years now.  She has listened to all of my worries with an open heart.  She quickly picks up on subtle issues I have been struggling with.  She offers answers to these problems.  Debbie helped me reconnect to my light at times when I was hopeless.  I never feel like she judges me.  I am able to open up about things I keep hidden to others.  Debbie is a super strong, intuitive, amazing woman.  I am very happy for all of our times we have had together".  Nicole, Colorado

Phone: 970-316-1818
Who is Deb Allison Pope?

Deb Allison Pope is the founder of Awaken the I AM.  She has a B.A. in Psychology. She is Certified in Spiritual and Transformational Coaching, Certified in EFT and NLP, a Compassion Key® Practitioner, and an Advanced Kriya Meditation teacher.  She has changed lives with her combination of psychology, spiritual, and neuroscience techniques to quickly remove the obstacles in the way of living life to the fullest.
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Phone: 970-316-1818
Who is Deb Allison Pope?

Deb Allison Pope is the founder of Awaken the I AM.  She has a B.A. in Psychology. She is certified in Transformational Coaching, Certified in EFT and NLP, a Compassion Key® Practitioner, and an Advanced Kriya Meditation teacher.  She has changed lives with her combination of psychology, spiritual, and neuroscience techniques to quickly remove the obstacles in the way of living life to the fullest.

Connect With Deb on Social Media
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